January 9, 2008

2008 Photography Resolutions

This blog is the result of one of my new years resolutions – to become a better photographer. I hope other people find what I am learning and documenting here useful in their own photographic pursuits; however, I’ll admit this blog is primarily for me. In writing down what I’m learning, I focus my thoughts and retain more.

To get to the point, here are:

Rob’s photo resolutions for 2008:

1. Shoot more
2. Produce more
3. Study more
4. Develop a workflow
5. Sell some photos

Shoot More
The only real way to get good at anything is to practice. I will take my camera more places and take more photos.

Produce More
Too many of my photos just sit on my computer. I plan to print more photos, share photos online and create more slideshows and albums. Hopefully, by the end of the year, I’ll have a decent portfolio to show for my efforts.

Study More
I’m actually off to a pretty good start on this one. I’m currently reading three photography books: Digital Photography Expert Techniques, Light: Science and Magic: An Introduction to Photographic Lighting, and Photoshop Artistry: For Photographers Using Photoshop CS2 and Beyond (Voices That Matter). In addition I just enrolled in a class on Photoshop for Photographers at SCAD Atlanta. I’ll be updating the site with tips and items I learn from all these sources.

Develop a workflow
This is one of the most important areas to work on right away – I need to be able to quickly locate my images and I need to make sure I have organized and secure backups. I’m in the process of documenting my personal workflow and it is forcing me to focus and deeply consider various aspects of naming, storing, tagging and managing my images.

Sell some photos
Some people have already expressed an interest in buying my work and I will oblige. In addition I plan to start shooting photos for jewelry designers and artists.

I hope to a little better with my resolutions this year. Check back to see!

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